
Friday 25 July 2014

Faaiua Commonwealth Maths


1. Celtic Park is one of the stadiums in Glasgow and has a seating capacity of 60000
If the stadium is 2/3 full, how many people are there? 40000
If the stadium is 3/4 full, how many people are there? 45000
If the stadium is full and 52500 people are adults, how many children are there?

2. As James left the stadium, the time on his watch was “20:30”.
What time was it? 8:30
When James arrived home, the time on his watch was “21:45”.
How long before midnight was it? 3 hours and 15 minutes

3. What is the next number in the pattern?
1 3 6 10 15
27 26 24 21 17
49 36 25 16 6
1 3 7 15 31 62

4. Place a “•” next to the fractions that are greater than one half.
1/3 ___ 2/3 __._ 1/4 ___ 3/4 _.__ 3/8 ___
5/8 _.__ 2/5 ___ 3/5 _.__ 3/7 ___ 5/9 _.__
6/10 ___ 4/5 _.__ 2/8 ___ 6/7 _.__ 4/6 ___

5. The warm up space on a training field is 10m long and 6m wide.
What is the area of the warm up space? 60m²
What is the perimeter of the warm up space? 16m9
The training equipment is kept in a box. The dimensions are 2m long, 1m wide and 1m deep.
What is the volume of the equipment box? 2m³
If the equipment box is 3/4 full, what is the volume of the empty space? 6m³

6. Cynthia has 8 towels in a bag. 3 towels are red. The rest are blue. What is the
chance if Amy takes a towel from the bag without looking that the towel is blue?
a) 3/8 (three eighths)
b) 4/8 (four eighths)
c) 5/8 (five eighths)
d) 8/8 (eight eighths

7. Hamish is flying home to Glasgow. The flight takes 10 hours. The plane he is on
burns on average 76550 L an hour and travels at an average speed of 750kph.
How much fuel will the plane use during flight? 10000 L
How far did the plane fly? 765500 km
If the plane left at 9am Monday, what time would Hamish arrive at Glasgow?

8. Alice and her two sisters watched the athletics in the main stadium for the full
three hour session. It started at 14:20.
What time did the session end? 3:20
In total, Alice and her two sisters drank 1.5 L of water every hour while watching
the athletics.
How much water did they each drink during the entire session? 4.5 L
How much water did Alice and her sisters drink in total? 4.5 L

9. The students at Hannah’s school will attend the opening ceremony of the games
in Glasgow. There will be 6 buses each carrying 66 students.
How many students from Hannah’s school will attend the opening ceremony?
If 190 of the students are boys, how many are girls? 206
If 3 teachers go, how many students will each teacher supervise? 132
If the principal also attends, what is the total number of people? 99

10. Jock left the hotel in Glasgow and walked 350m north. He then walked 500m
south and stopped before returning to the hotel.
How far away was Jock from his hotel when he stopped? 850
If Jock walked on average 100m in one minute, how long did it take Jock to walk
back to the hotel from where he stopped? 8

11. Danielle jumped 1.45m in the high jump competition.
If Suzie jumped 6cm more than Danielle, how high did Suzie jump? 1.51
If Alex jumped 12cm less than Suzie, how high did Alex jump? 1.32
What is the total length of the three jumps? 5.80

12. 160 people were surveyed about which country they thought would win the
most gold medals at the Commonwealth Games. 25% said England and 50% said
Australia, while 10% said Canada.
How many people surveyed said England would win the most gold medals? 15 gold medals
How many people surveyed said Australia would win the most gold medals? 25
How many people surveyed said Canada would win the most gold medals? 5

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