
Friday 18 October 2013

The Foal Is Born

There was a boy name Ryan, His mum had a horse named Del. Del was gonna have a foal. Ryan was watching Del grow bigger and bigger. The next day Ryan said “It’ll be born any days now.” Later that evening Ryan fell to sleep and had a good nap. When Ryan woke up his mum and dad was in the horse paddock and there was a little foal lying down on Del.

Ryan ran as fast as he could outside, “It’s a filly,” said Dad. “Can I stroke her?” asked Ryan. “No!, It’s too soon, Del needs to get use to the foal.” replied Mum “. “You can at lease can look through windows in your room with your binoculars,” whispered Dad.” said Dad. The next morning he woke up and got his binoculars and looked across the field and saw the foal covered with something that looked like a white plastic bag. The foal was trying to get rid off the plastic bag. “Thats the sac that protected her when she was inside her mother” whispered dad. The foal was trying to stand with his long wobbly legs. “Time for school” said mum. Ryan replied back “Can i stroke her now,” “When you come back from school.” Replied mum.

While Ryan was at school, mum was feeding Del and giving him water to drink. A couple minutes after, the foal was ready to stand on her feet and ready for a feed. When the foal had finished drinking from her mother, the foal laid on the grass. Now it was time for Ryan’s mum to get use to the foal used to being touched. Ryan’s mum even put her fingers in the foals mouth and ears. Mum also put a leading rope around the foal to let get used to the feel of it.

When Ryan came home from school, the foal was sitting on the grass. Ryan ran to his mum and said “Can I stroke her now,” “Yes.” replied mum. “Whats her name?” he asked. “Dosti,” said his mum. “Hi, Dosti,” said Ryan, stroking the foal’s soft coat.

Now it was time to measure Dosti’s height. When Ryan measured her, she didn’t like the look of it. In the end, Mum had to hold Dosti still while Ryan moved the stick next to her. She didn’t like that much, either! “Ten hands” said mum. The Next day, the vet came to check Dosti and Del. She put a stethoscope on and listened to Dosti’s heartbeat. After that she checked Dosti’s blood to check if she had enough antibodies from Del’s milk.(Antibodies are special substances in the blood that help the body to fight off infections). “Dosti and Del was healthy and she’ll grow up to be a tall bay mare,” said the vet lady. “Just like her mum” said Ryan

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